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New Orleans, Louisiana

Teen Pregnancy "Barbie"

Teen Pregnancy "Barbie"
A fake Barbie that was created as a joke yet still reflects the impact that teenage pregnancy has on our culture.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Pregnancy Pact at Gloucester High School?

Gloucester High School in Massachusetts began its 2008 school year with seventeen pregnant girls, all under the age of sixteen. The nurse, Kim Daly, claims that over 150 girls went into her school clinic to receive pregnancy tests the previous spring. The media outlets from all over the world claimed that this was a "pregnancy pact" and that the girls all got pregnant to raise their children together. One girl was even so desperate to get pregnant that she was impregnated by a 24-year-old homeless man.
However, these claims have never been substantiated and the girls either refused to comment on the situation or denied the pregnancy pact. It could never be proven how the rumor started that a pregnancy pact was formed and it was never proven.

For more reading on Gloucester High School:

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